May 30th - Stake Picnic
June 4th - Finley Wedding reception at the stake center
June 29th - Service Project - 6:30p @ the branch
we will be collecting toys throughout the month of June and then get together as a Relief Society and clean them to be ready to donate.
Sat, June 25th - Palmyra Temple Trip
Sat, July 23rd - Branch Picnic @ Thatcher Park
Service Opportunities…
The Edvalson's would like some help painting a few rooms in their house before they get home. It would need to be done June 5th, if you can help please let us know.
please go to this link to sign up for an account on so that you can view our branch/stake calendar, directory, and map. It's a great resource for you, no more calling people to get a number/address ;).