Here are the announcements Sisters...
August 7th: SSA fireside - 6pm at the Stake Center with refreshments and an icecream social, please see Lori if you need a ride
Sat, August 13th : Stake Relief Society Temple Trip to Boston with daycare provided.
11am endowment session. 9-11am baptisms available. Babysitting will be provided by the Stake RS Presidency along with some single adults from 10a-2p - if you will be bringing kids to be babysat please fill out a child information sheet - provided at church tomorrow. If you are a YSA and can help babysit please notify Patsy as well. We hope you can join us. This is also the day of the Primary Temple trip, so hopefully that will work out to everyone's advantage :).
Wed, August 24th: 7:30-8:30p Relief Society Organization & Cleaning class... come and learn some new tips and share yours with others! Refreshments provided :).
"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;"
D&C 88:119.
D&C 88:119.
"Behold, mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion."
D&C 132:8
D&C 132:8
Future dates to look out for:
September 2nd-3rd : Seneca Lake Camping trip. Earliest you can be there is August 31st.
September 17th : Red Cross Blood Drive Stake Activity
Weekly Activities:
Adult Institute on Tuesdays at 7pm at the Branch
Kidstitute Thursdays 10am at the Branch (for moms to learn while the kiddos play)
YSA Institute 7pm at the Branch
Book of Mormon Challenge – By July 31st you could be reading through Alma 63 if you started with our plan on March 17th and plan to be done by October 1st. If you are behind, don't get discouraged, just keep on reading and read more when you can! The Book of Mormon will bless your life!
Please report your July's visiting Teaching. This is the Lord's watch care over His daughters and is truly an inspired program. If your sisters have any needs that the Relief Society can help with, please let us know.
Service Opportunities
Twin bed frame & box spring
Full size bed frame