Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Seneca Lake...

It's time for our 

Annual Branch Seneca Lake Camping trip

The Camp will be open to us:
Wed, August 31st - Sat, Sept 3rd

Branch activities will be on Sept 2nd-3rd
Saturday Breakfast is provided by the branch, all other food is the responsibility of the individuals.
Friday night there will be some fun things we can do together and by the campfire and Saturday there will be a boat for skiing on the lake and plenty of swimming, paddle boating, and canoeing :).
It will be a fun time.  The camp has nice cabins with bunk beds, fire-pits, covered picnic areas, and bathrooms with showers.

We do need to know if you are planning on going so please let one of the Presidency know as soon as you can so we can plan for cabin assignments, food, and activities.

thanks and we hope to see you there!
:) Candice

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