Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hello Ladies :)  Welcome to December!!!

Here are our announcements...
  • Dec 22nd, Wed - Christmas food boxes service project - if you have boxes to donate that would be great, also you can donate food (nonperishable items for a Christmas dinner) in box
  • We will also be doing stockings for the missionaries full of useful and good things… so we will be passing around a sign-up for donation of supplies - we need them by next week! so we can give them out the Sunday before Christmas.
  • Please remember to REPORT your November visiting teaching to your district supervisor, it makes it much easier for them - it would be Chelsea, Sandy, or Sandra  and you can do your visiting teaching for December.  Thanks ladies!
  • December 25th there will only be sacrament meeting
  • Also, Katie is going to Haiti and can bring clothing donations with her so if you have clothing you would like to donate for the children there please contact her or nonperishable food items, school supplies, etc.  She needs them by the 25th, you can email her for more details
  • The Stake RS Presidency would love to hear ideas from you on your desires and needs that could be addressed at the Stake RS conference next May. They plan to have an assortment of classes, please let us/the Stake RS know if you have ideas (you can email Patsy).
  • p.s. all clothing on the rack across from the Relief Society closet is donations on the right side of the rack and you are welcome to take whatever you would like :).
Weekly Institutes...Tue 7pm Adult - Th 10am kidstitute/ 7pm YSA

Have a Great Day and thanks for stopping by!!!
:) Candice

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