Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Sunday Services 8-27-11

Hurricane Irene is forecasted to cause heavy rains and flooding in Albany this weekend, especially on Sunday.  As a precaution, the Branch Presidency has decided to cancel all Sunday services.  Please continue to observe the Sabbath day accordingly, we encourage organized family prayer with spiritual thoughts and or testimonies and scripture study.

We ask that Home and Visiting Teachers check with their assigned members, most importantly the ones who are alone or may be in need of special care.  In case of power outage, see that they have a supply of water and food for at least three days.  Please check in with them before and after the storm.  All should have the Branch Presidency, Elders Quorum, and Relief Society Presidency Phone numbers and in instance of no phone communication, their address.

Emergency Preparedness:

1) Water: for general use you should have one gallon per person for two days.  Boil or use bleach if undrinkable
2) Food: non-perishable (dry or canned)
3) Utilities: know your utility shut-offs
4) Have a flashlight with new batteries available and a battery powered radio
5) Establish a family "meeting" location other than your home in case of separation and home damage.

You are encouraged to stay home and in your houses Sunday unless it's an emergency.'

Albany 2nd Branch Auxilliary leaders

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Seneca Lake...

It's time for our 

Annual Branch Seneca Lake Camping trip

The Camp will be open to us:
Wed, August 31st - Sat, Sept 3rd

Branch activities will be on Sept 2nd-3rd
Saturday Breakfast is provided by the branch, all other food is the responsibility of the individuals.
Friday night there will be some fun things we can do together and by the campfire and Saturday there will be a boat for skiing on the lake and plenty of swimming, paddle boating, and canoeing :).
It will be a fun time.  The camp has nice cabins with bunk beds, fire-pits, covered picnic areas, and bathrooms with showers.

We do need to know if you are planning on going so please let one of the Presidency know as soon as you can so we can plan for cabin assignments, food, and activities.

thanks and we hope to see you there!
:) Candice

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our Current Announcements :)

Here are the announcements Sisters...

Wed, August 24th: 7:30-8:30p Relief Society Organization class... come and learn some new tips and share yours with others!  Refreshments provided and a GREAT way to spend time with your sisters and bond :).

"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;"  
D&C 88:119.
"Behold, mine house is a house of order,  saith the Lord God, and not a house of confusion."  
D&C 132:8

September 2nd-3rd : Seneca Lake Camping trip.  Earliest you can be there is August 31st.

September 17th : Red Cross Blood Drive Stake Activity

Weekly Activities:
Adult Institute on Tuesdays at 7pm at the Branch
Kidstitute Thursdays 10am at the Branch (for moms to learn while the kiddos play)
YSA Institute 7pm at the Branch

Book of Mormon Challenge – By August 13th you could be reading through Helaman 14 if you started with our plan on March 17th and plan to be done by October 1st.  If you are behind, don't get discouraged,  just keep on reading and read more when you can!  The Book of Mormon will bless your life!

Please do your visiting Teaching for August.  This is the Lord's watch care over His daughters and is truly an inspired program.  If your sisters have any needs that the Relief Society can help with, please let us know.

Service Opportunities

There is a 15 year old LDS boy, foreign exchange student, from Brazil who is seeking a loving family to give him food and a place to live during this next school year.  If this is something you would like to do please let one of the RS presidency know and we will get you more information.

Twin bed frame & box spring
Full size bed frame